Friday 23 August 2024

Thoughts On - Alien RPG 9

 Hi everybody,

                       I have found some of my alien notes, They are a bit disjointed and there is a gap since Diary entry 8. I will slot entries in as they come to my attention.

? - We explore the Air processors that are on the southern area of the planet.

? - "Nuclear Boy" fired nuclear missiles at two of the air processing plants, destroying the nuclear material that was inside, so that we could not drop a nuclear missile on him. (This was Cowboy's idea of dealing with the problem of "Nuclear Boy", We had tried three times, but they always malfunctioned for some reason).

? - While we were away, "Nuclear Boy" and "Terror Girl" have teamed up together, got into the research base next to the Alien ship, activated the Alien Nexus and went through the portal.


10th May 2024 - We were exploring a WV base. We came across an Alien Queen, who we managed to kill, eventually. We came through battered and bowed, with two casualties. Dillon died with his head crushed in. Kiara died of a punctured heart. We managed to repair the Comms Array port and are now receiving signals from outside again."The Blue Hand are coming". Is that good or bad?


7 June 2024 - We come across a crashed vessel. We salvaged the two Armoured Personnel Carriers, 1 week's rations, 4 hand grenades. We fix Edan's and the other's leg with an artificial one in the auto doc. We receive coordinates over the comms as to where the Blue Hand ship will land. Outside of the second nuclear blast zone.

27 June 2024 - I shoot the squid by Douglas. Everybody gets 1 stress point. Cowboy gets hit by Edan using an alien weapon (friendly fire) and loses an arm. 

6 July 2024 - One squid exploded due to multiple hits. The second squid attacks me and drags me into another room out of the line of fire. I managed to fight it off but suffered a broken knee in the process. I retreat with Cowboy and we drag him to an autodoc. Afterwards, we fix my knee.

           We lift the guards on the Blue Hand ship. We spotted an octopus nest on the way back to base. We avoid it for the time being. Ava 7, the missing synth in action, was with the Blue Hand crew. She is now making a painting of an attacking Alien Queen for the Nexus room where we have installed a weighted net above the teleport point. We hope this will disorient whoever comes through first so we can capture them more easily.

9th August 2024 - Cowboy had an artificial arm attached, it did have a flashing red LED. On further inspection, it was found to be a tracking device that had been added to the unit. We disabled it and checked for any more that were hidden, but none were found. The Blue Hand crew have a space monkey and Cowboy asks if he can use the controller helmet. Damien, the Synth Blue Hand leader agrees.

Edan builds a mini Gun into the mobile wheelchair. We are heading to the research base. We feel vibrations, The power level has been ramped up to 6, meaning the Nexus Teleporter can be activated.

There are more notes to add, but it's time for bed.

Regards one and all,

Ivor Cogdell

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Thoughts on - Films Lockdown DVD (No Spoilers)

 Hi Everyone,

                      I have just seen the film Lockdown and I am sure that it would make a great plot for a science fiction adventure game or tabletop skirmish wargame at your preferred scale and rule set. Our damsel in distress, Miss X is visiting an orbiting prison, for the reason of Y. There is a jailbreak because of Z. The authorities have to send in our hero or heroes to rescue her and find where something has been hidden, otherwise he will be charged and locked up in the same jail, for doing naughty things that he is being framed for. You can do a "One Off" game or spread it over multiple game sessions as your heroes work their way through the different levels of the facility to rescue Miss X.

I saw the trailer of this film when it first came out, but I missed it at the cinema, I am so glad I finally spotted it at my local movie store. The visuals (meaning blood and gore special effects) and acting are very good. That's another reason to watch it, by the way.

Warmest regards,

Ivor Cogdell

Thursday 20 June 2024

Thoughts On - Storage

 Hi Everyone,

                       I missed the bring and buy event at Penkridge, but I have heard of a local game store in Erdington that I shall be checking out in the near future, when my pal is free to join me, as he knows its location and the nearest pub for lunch. 

There is also The Guards Open Day on the 29th July 2024.

 I'm thinking of getting some terrain and a few figures, a monster or two as I am short on those in particular, possibly grabbing some Frostgrave rules. (I must check the ones I have already to avoid duplicates). On a computing matter, in the last couple of weeks I did manage to upgrade my graphics card from a Nvidia 610 to a 750 Ti.

                       I had a very quick flick through the latest wargame mags, they don't seem to stir my interest as they once did, and I am running out of storage room to keep all of my books, and plastic binders. (Does that sound familiar?).  I do have lots of lore, rules and stuff on PDF, but printer ink costs an arm and a leg, but then I don't seem to access them much on the computer. I do check them out on my mobile, but the screen is too small. Tablets do not seem to have sd card readers and decent software to match in a low price range.

                     Regarding storage, in the budget stores I have found large tubs for storing game stuff and wooden compartmental units for putting figures into. They are also very good for finding terrain ingredients, such as plastic mesh and mini battle boards. Wrapping paper does have inch squares on its reverse, this would be useful for mapping battle locations on the cheap. Notepads of course. Beads and crystals to use for markers and tokens, wooden nail files, cheap large floppy makeup brushes are ideal for your dry brushing purposes. Cocktail sticks for instant stakes. Lolly sticks can easily converted into planks or ladders.

Pop any ideas you have in the comments, please.

                      It's the Foottie Euro Cup Season again, so I will be cheering on the UK clubs. (That is usually the "Kiss of Death" for any hopes of winning). Followed next month by the Tour de France cycle race, we have a few Brits in there too, so fingers crossed for them.

                     I have seen our local game club has been posting on Facebook or Meta. That's good. Click on the Circle Battlegroup for more details if you would like to attend.

Regards all,

Ivor Cogdell

Sunday 10 March 2024

In the Wars 4 - Updated

 Hi Everyone,

                      Just a quick update read for you this time around. I am currently doing an IT Course at the local College to boost my CV. I was at an "Alestorm" concert at the O2 Academy a few days back with some mates. We had a very good night, it was a cracking session. My first time as a headbanger for quite a while. That certainly is one way to clear out the earwax! 

                       I have just caught a cold, so I am doing my work online through the Teams app and emails. As you can imagine, this is slowing me down somewhat. To put it into "gamers" speak, "An Ork has just walked in through the door, my Will is at +1, but the Con is at -2 and my sword has just been eaten by a rust monster."

                    It is doubtful that I will be attending Alumwell 2024 this year.

Take care all,

Ivor Cogdell

P.S. No, I did not make it. There is more local stuff to attend though.

Saturday 29th June 2024 - The Guards Open Day.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Thoughts On - Star Trek Discovery Season 5 Trailer - Update

 Hi Everyone,

                       This is just a quickie posting, as I am doing an IT course at the moment. I have just seen the trailer for season 5 of Star Trek - Discovery. Mike Burnam and the Star Trek Discovery crew will be bouncing all over the place, trying to find answers to a riddle or puzzle. You will be pleased to know that the characters Book and Tilly return, which is rather good. Our main resident alien, Seru gets a new job. There are lots of action scenes to look forward to, as this is the last season. The series airs in April 2024 on Disney +. 

No date as to the DVD release.

Regards all,

Ivor Cogdell

P.S.  A spin-off to this is a "Section 31" movie or TV series with Phillipa Georgiou. But you were probably aware of that. Plus, things seem to be coming together for the rebooted Star Trek IV movie, now that the ownership battle has been settled. Snippets of news were flowing more frequently on YouTube, so have a squint at the latest gossip on there, once you have finished on here.

P.P.S. As you were. The paramount sale has just gone kaput. "Secret Hideout" are being allowed to continue to do what they are doing for the moment and with possibly a contract renewal at the end of 2025.

Saturday 24 February 2024

Thoughts On - Alien RPG 8 (No Spoilers) - Updated

 Hi everybody,

                      We drove over in a APC to investigate the crash site we had recorded from a couple of weeks ago. By the looks of the tracks, someone or a Sinth had gotten out more or less intact and rode off in an APC. We got back to our main base to find the Comms Array destroyed!

                    We went inside and were jumped on by critters we had not seen before, waiting in the control room to ambush us. More stress! I hit one with a pistol and Cowboy hit it with a minigun blast. The next turn, I got hit with a panic attack and dropped my pistol! Cowboy shot it and then we legged it, losing three guys to face huggers as we did so. We locked the outer hatch and did a runner, lucky to escape in one piece.

                     We made our way to another part of the planet in the shuttle and APC, where we met up with a science expedition from Hadley's Hope that had been out of touch with what had been going on, as their com unit had gone on the fritz ages ago, loyaly, they had decided to carry on with their mission. (This may be specific to us, don't count on it happening to you!).

                    JAME'S PERSONAL LOG - "I think our Cowboy is suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome, as he has just ordered us, against our pleas to dissuade him from this idea, to put together a low yield nuclear bomb, which he intends to drop on our main base from the shuttle, to get rid of the aliens infesting it. With misgivings, The Doc and I complete the weapon........."

To be continued.

Regards all,

Ivor Cogdell

P.S. No Alien for the last couple of weeks as I was at an "Alestorm" concert at the O2 Academy and later came down with a cold - See "In the Wars 4".

Painted Mordheim models

 Hi Everyone,

                      Here are some models and terrain I did for my Mordheim Setting.

Zombie having a bad day, "Anyone seen my 'ead?" Gargle.

"Stop right there or I'll let you have what's in ear for free."


Dwarf and Beastman


Dwarfs from Rear.

Dwarf and Beast rear.


Spring. "Any coins?" "Rocks and stuff, maybe a couple".

Banner Carrier.

Not a fantastic paint job on them, I admit, but at least now they are table-ready. I am not sure if they are official Games Workshop models, but they will suit that purpose.

Please see Rules and Copyright Pages for Copyright information on models etc.

Regards all,

Ivor Cogdell