This is my second installment of my holo game in the lounge of the Spaceship Magic Carpet using some of the "Advanced Space Crusade" rules. Copyright 1990 Games Workshop. All Rights Reserved. Ork, Space Marines and Tyranid figures are used.
Squad 1 100 PTS Armour Snap Fire Aimed Combat
React Exposed Cover Weapon Range to hit Range to hit Hit Parry
Dave 8 7 10 BP + Knife 8 1D+1 16 1D+1 2D+2
Lucy 8 7 10 BP + Knife 8 1D+1 16 1D+1 2D+2
Sgt Ted 10 8 10 BP + Chain 8 1D+1 16 1D+1 2D+3 P
Eric 8 7 10 BP + Knife 8 1D+1 16 1D+1 2D+2
Squad 2 100 PTS
Martin 8 7 10 BP + Knife 8 1D+1 16 1D+1 2D+2
Sgt Rose 10 8 10 BP + Chain 8 1D+1 16 1D+1 2D+3 P
Chris 8 7 10 BP + Knife 8 1D+1 16 1D+1 2D+2
Pinky 8 7 10 BP + Knife 8 1D+1 16 1D+1 2D+2
Extra Action Table D12 Roll Actions
1-4 = 0 Charge = Speed +2 (No shoot, can attack
5-8 = 1 (cost 1 square of move))
9-12=2 Advance= Speed (Can Snap shoot, can attack
13-16=3 (cost 1 square of move))
17+=4 Ready Weapon = Move 1 square (Optional)
Sgt gives +2 to extra action rolls. Take an aimed shot or throw grenade.
Enter Overwatch status.
Reload= Reload weapon.
Move 1 square (Optional)
No attacks.
For other stats and House rules, see part one.
Turn 5
Roll for extra actions. 6 +2 =8. So 1 extra action.
Squad 1
Lucy continues out of the spaceship.
Sgt. Ted lets her past and then moves up to the rest of the squad.
Dave and Eric continues to battle with the Warrior. (Has no parry).
Dave rolls (12 + 2 =14, 4+2=6. Best score = 14).
Eric rolls (7 + 2 =9, 10+2=12. Best score = 12).
Warrior rolls (3+6=9, 1+6=7 - Its blade shatters. 2+6=8. Best score = 9).
The warrior finally succumbs to the hail of slugs.
Gus and Sgt.Ted move to the other door. It opens to reveal an echoing chamber, nothing is yet visible. Gus uses the extra action to advance further forward. He sees a figure move in the far doorway and snap fires.
He hits the doorway on a 4.
Flashy 40 PTS Armour Snap Fire Aimed Combat
React Exposed Cover Weapon Range to hit Range to hit Hit Parry Speed
Flashy 8 7 10 BP + Knife 8 1D+1 16 1D+1 2D+2 3
Standard 1D-2 Y
Flashy does not react on a 10.
Flashy moves into cover and snap shots at Gus. ( 9+1=10), a hit. Normally a kill, since Gus had no shield, but he has been infected with a healing larvae. He survives, for now..... (All rolls now at -1 penalty).
He is too stunned to react.
Chris and Pointy reload their weapons, staring at each other as they do so. (No attack this turn.)
Pinky moves forward past Sgt. Rose (Immobilized in webbing.) and snap fires twice at Cutter.
(Rolls 2+1=3, 9 +1= 10, a kill). 1 Victory Point.
Boss Fatbelly does not react to his bodyguard being killed, except by calling Cutter a “Useless slug.”. Pointy is still reloading.
Martin snap shoots at Pointy. (4, 11 – a hit). Pointy goes down. 1 Victory Point.
Pinky reacts with a snap shot. (4+1=5, it bounces off his armour harmlessly.)
A blip moves into a better position to attack on command.
Turn 6
Roll for extra actions. 12 +2 =14. So 3 extra actions.
Squad 1
Lucy continues out of the spaceship.
Dave checks one door (Dead end) and Eric rounds a corner and comes across another Warrior, with just a single Bone Sword. (No defence bonus). Snap shot (9+1=10, A miss).
Warrior could not react. (8)
Gus snap shoots at Flashy (at -1)_(5,5,5,8,6). All miss as Flashy is still in cover and the only good shot hits the wall.
Flashy could not react. (11)
Sgt. Ted advances and snap shoots at Flashy (1 = out of ammo).
Gus uses an Extra Move to shoot at Flashy, (6-1 = 5, good narrow shot)_(11-1=10, a Hit) and takes him down.
Dave uses 2 Extra Moves and hurries to Eric's aid. Snap shoots (7, 6, a miss).
Squad 2
Chris moves to a better position and snap shots at Boss Fatbelly (9, 10, 11, 3) and hits him with 3 shots. As the Boss goes down, he remarks, ”Good help is so hard to get....”. 1 Victory point.
Pinky tries to rescue Sgt Rose, but fails.
Martin explores the next area.
The warrior advances on our two heroes..... it slashes at Eric with the sword and Dave with its claws.
Warrior (To hit, sword) 3D +6, Eric (to Hit) 2D +2
(1,2,9=9+6=15) (11,7=11+2=13) A hit, shield at 2.
Warrior (To hit, claws) 3D +5, Dave (to Hit) 2D +2
(4,10,12=12+5=17) (3,5=5+2=7) A hit, his shield is now out of power.
Round 2
Warrior (To hit, sword) 3D +6, Eric (to Hit) 2D +2
(3,7,9=9+6=15) (4,10=10+2=12) A hit, Shield at 1.
Warrior (To hit, claws) 3D +5, Dave (to Hit) 2D +2
(5,12,7=12+5=17) (6,5=5+2=7) A hit, Dave is dead.
Round 3
Warrior (To hit, sword) 3D +6, Eric (to Hit) 2D +2
(9,2,3=9+6=15) (7,1=7+2=9) A hit, Shield at 0.
Round 4
Warrior (To hit, sword) 3D +6, Eric (to Hit) 2D +2
(4,9,7=9+6=15) (7,2=7+2=9) A hit, Eric is dead too.
80 PTS Armour Snap Fire Aimed Combat
React Exposed Cover Weapon Range to hit Range to hit Hit Parry Speed
Boss Nutter 8 7 10 BP + Knife 8 1D+1 16 1D+1 2D+2 3
Standard 1D-2 Y
Spike 8 7 9 Plasma Pistol - 16 1D+1 2D+2 3
(2 rounds to charge up)
Stepping out into the room where his underling Flashy has just met his end, comes Boss Nutter and his bodyguard, Spike.
Looking over at the remains of Flashy, he snorts, “That wasn't very good manners was it. Take em out, Spike”.
"Sure, Boss.", Spike thinks for a moment, “Uuh, Take em where, Boss ??”
“Nowhere, just kill them !”
“Oh, I like that job.”
“Fire !”
That's where we must conclude our second episode on The Magic Carpet Holodeck. Look out for more excitement in parts 3 - 5.
Ivor Cogdell
P.S. This is based on Warhammer 40K "Advanced Space Crusade" Copyright 1990 Games Workshop Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ivor Cogdell
P.S. This is based on Warhammer 40K "Advanced Space Crusade" Copyright 1990 Games Workshop Ltd. All rights reserved.
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