Monday, 30 December 2019

Thoughts on - Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker (No spoilers). (Updated -16-01.2020).

Hi everybody,
                     I was holding my breath on the way into the cinema, as I was not exactly enamored with the previous two offerings from Disney in this franchise and had avoided watching the trailers for the film to avoid spoilers. In case you are holding your breath too, you can relax now, this is a good one and is well worthy of being in the collection.

 It finally sews the threads of the plot together, I think most of the long term fans will approve. The graphics and special effects are superb as always, with lots of new aliens to spot here and there among the crowd. There is another robot for the youngsters to cheer on, as well as the usual gang, but they may miss some of the plot points in the story. It is a certificate 12A

 This closes the chapter for most of the original cast, so Disney can take us where they will and develop the storyline how they please, but I hope they do keep faith with the fans. I saw the 2d version of the film, but I plan to see the 3D version too.

Review 5/5 - For seeing sense and coming back to their roots.

"May the force be with you, always."

Ivor Cogdell

P.S. - The new trilogy does not suit everybody, one of my other mates has refused to watch the last couple out of disgust.

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