Thursday, 22 October 2015

Pause 4

Hi all,

I've been painting up my wasteland Heroes, my first two pictures of my work in progress are on the blog, I have made the picture larger for you, I had updated their stats, since they have no guns. I tried to prime my next set of scenery, but my spray nozzle was faulty.  I have given it a lick over with Acrylic, but with no real success. Will have another go at it when time permits.

I am making up some paper crates for scenery and cover for 5 Parsecs. The first one has been completed. I'm not going to bother with a photo, when you've seen one crate, you've seen them all. Downloaded a few more to keep the variety up.

Just been painting some of my 5 Parsec heroes too. The pictures are in the 5 Parsec characters entry - 27th August 2015. Its all gradually coming together.

I have added to the W3 background post of how the wastelands began - in my universe anyway.

I had printed out a truck for 5 Parsec, but the size was too small for my minis.  I had been looking on the net for other paper vehicles and there are lots of sites out there to check, often the scale is not right. But it is interesting seeing what is out there. Any 28 mm vehicle suggestions ? Put them in the comments, please.

I have found a suitable vehicle, but don't let that stop you from making suggestions though.

Slow down on here due to reading Larry Niven / The Smoke Ring. Just been looking at some other blogs, just to see what some other folks are up to out there in wargaming land. Bit of scratch build dioramas, plenty of painting, a few battle reports. Keep it up, guys and gals.

The first three pages are now assembled, the fourth to 6th pages are printed. One good thing has come out of this process, the notion "Don't start an episode until you can complete it in fairly short order." has been grasped. Ok, ok, it is fairly obvious in hindsight, but I am new to this game. That's what the comments sections are for, to point out the obvious to us new bods on the block, or what we might like to try out hand to next.

I've added another picture of my watchtower build and some extra dialogue to Droid Job pt2, since part three was taking so long to appear. Its coming along slowly, like everything else on here.


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