Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Thoughts On - Valerian (No spoilers)

Hi all,

          I came into this film with no prior knowledge, apart from it was based on a French comic. This usually sets off warning flags, (I'm not into manga / Anime), but the poster looked great, as you can see here, so I thought I would risk it, especially since it had a budget of 210 million. US dollars. I saw the 2d version of the film.
          The first surprise was that the main characters were rather younger than I was expecting, but once I got used to that, everything fell into place and I began to enjoy the film.
          If you like a mix of aliens, this is certainly the film for you, there are lots of them and I mean LOTS, the blurb I read afterward in the movie guide quoted that there were more than 200 of them, they all blended into the scenes and made the scenes POP. It feels like a grand sprawling space station. Babylon 5, eat your heart out, and I do like B5 a great deal.
          The script was fair, it played the comedy card at times, I like my sci-fi fairly straight and serious. I spotted the baddie before the entity showed its hand / flipper / pseudopod, but that did not matter, as I was enjoying the story and wondering how it would unfold and our heroes would defeat it.
         I hope they do a sequel. It is thoroughly enjoyable, go and see it.

Rating 9 out of 10.

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