Saturday, 1 December 2018

WHF - Arrival at Mordheim - Part 4

Hi all,
           Another quick instalment of the first Dwarf battle in Mordheim.

Turn 10

Skaven rout test, (6,1) passed.


Gornish stands up.

Snifter went to search a ruin site. Iggy and Yellow Top head back towards the sound of fighting.

Yolm charges Flicka from behind.
Stromm charges Nobbler.
Klacker runs out of the building towards the action.


Klacker ran so he could not shoot this turn.


Flicka v Gornish + Yolm.

Flika attacks Gornish, 1 miss, he was distracted by Yolm, who was about to attack him from the flank.
Gornish defends - He seizes his chance, 6 Critical Hit, 5 Slicing attack causing 2 wounds  and +2 on Injury roll, Rolled 4+2=6 Out of action.

Curly Tail v Bronn.
CT attacks Bronn, 5 Hit, 4 Glancing Blow off his armour.
Bronn defends, 6 Critical Hit with his warhammer, with a mighty blow, blugeoned, CT Armour Save 3, failed. CT is Out Of Action. Gains 1XP.

Nobbler v Grinder + Stromm.
Nobbler attacks Grinder, 4 Hit, 6 Possibly wounded, failed his Armour Save, but parried with his Buckler.
Stromm attacks Nobbler, 5 Hit, 2 Glancing Blow.
(No return attack by Nobbler, as he only has one to use.)

Nobbler - All Alone test (4,4), Failed. Turn to flee. Grinder Auto Hits and does a Glancing Blow and the same for Stromm.

 Nobbler flees the fight, its little feet a blur, claws seeking grip on the rough rocks.

There we are, another bite sized chunk of action from Mordheim. I hope it was to your liking. There is more to come.


Ivor Cogdell

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