Friday, 22 November 2019

Circle Battle Group Club doings (Updated 2019.12.29),

Hi all,
         Here is just a bit of the Circle Battle Group club goings-on. Assorted Noble Romans and peasantry Celts (myself included) have been appearing in our role-playing of Roman Chuthulu, where we carelessly let an "Old One" get loose (some of us paid the ultimate price) and in our latest adventure, we are now in19th /15th-century Chuthulu on our table for the last few weeks.

 In case you are wondering, usually, a game will last six weeks, but this was extended for an extra two weeks. There are sneaky Dungeons and Dragons of some description on another table, Battle Mechs are in another section and a card game on the fourth. I quite fancy trying a ride on a Battle Mech, I must dig out my Demo rules.

Full marks to all of our GM's for coming up with all of the plots and nastiness our characters go through, plus all of the painting and prepping that involves.

 There are signs of the Club Bar reopening in one of the other rooms and work seems to be going on in there, good, and other rumors of us being closed down by the council, very bad. The council has already sacked the Event Coordinator who got bookings for the other events room. This venue has quite a few clubs and societies that use it during the week, a bowling green and cricket pitch attached.

There are committee meetings going on, but the one hand does not seem to know what the other is doing. This club has had to move venues once before due to the council. We hope to know a bit more by next week. Currently, our spies are out looking for a new venue just in case.

Keep rolling them there dice.

Ivor Cogdell