Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Thoughts On - Eco Warriors 2

 Hi Everyone,

                     I have my Green hat on again. I was chatting with one of my mates regarding the Pro's and Con's of protesting, leaving the legal argument aside. This had been prompted by a protest group demonstrating outside oil terminals recently. My friend stated that most of the protestors would be only there for the sake of protesting and causing disruption, regardless of what the actual issue was. As he put it, they belonged to "Rent-A-Mob".

                     I agreed that the "Any protest will do" attitude was not a good basis for protesting, but stated that some may be there for that reason, but that there would still be the vast majority of people who did care about the actual issues involved and whose voices should be heard and their views considered, none the less. He did give way on the vague possibility, but I don't think my argument gave him any misgivings.

         Another friend mentioned the problems that we face going along this route. I reminded him that these green activists are fighting for HIS future along with everybody else’s. I asked him "What would you prefer in your senior moments, to be relaxing in the back garden on a nice summer’s day, sipping a cool drink in hand, or coughing and spilling the warm drink all over your trousers, peering through smog and heat haze".

    There is a very good Podcast authored by The Guardian newspaper in the UK, entitled "Carbon Bombs". This gives an insight into what the energy companies are planning, against what they say they are doing. Have a listen. Then start worrying and do something to help the situation.

To our Green Warriors out there, please keep plugging away, don't give up heart. Your voices and actions DO COUNT FOR A GEAT DEAL. You will prove to history that at least some of us had heard the alarm bells ringing and were trying to do something about it before it was too late. I personally think it is already too late, but we have got to mitigate the problems as much as we can.

Have you been on a protest march ? Would you go on another one ? How were you treated ?

I would like to read your comments below.

Regards to all,

Ivor Cogdell.


1 comment:

  1. Greenies with nothing to say, surely not! Where are you? If you are not a Greenie, you can post too. What is your vision of the world in ten or twenty years in the future?
