Friday, 24 June 2022

Firefly - Jubal Early Turn 2a - Turn 4

 Hi Everyone

                    Here is my latest instalment of our Firefly Board game, with a bit of fluff thrown in the mix occasionally.

Turn 2 Player : Ivor.

Captain: Jubal Early. Age 24. Profession: Pilot Hire Cost: Free

Abilities: Bounty Hunter: +2 Fight when Attacking in Showdowns. May carry 2 gear.

Skills: Fight = 1, Tech = 1, Negotiate = 1.

Gear: Nothing.

Background : Jubal grew up on the mix of stations that make up Amnon Duul, ferrying cargo from station to station. Good at bargaining for jobs. Got into scraps with other cargo haulers. Studied the tech of what he was hauling to gain inside information of what was going to be the next big thing to be a hit with the punters.

Siblings: Sister - Grace Early, Works in Amnon Duul, Hab 4 Medbay. Currently as a porter, but studying for the Nurses entrance exams.



Rodrigo Ponsonby Cost: $100

Gun Hand: Merc, Expendable: When killed, discard instead of removing from play, Fight: 1

Ship Name: Yun Qi Warrant: None Outstanding.

Logo: A running Coyote in red.

Class: Firefly Series III

Special: None

Crew: 6 Hired: 1

Cargo: 8 cargo, 4 stash. (Available: 2.5 cargo and 4 stash)

Upgrade slots: 3 (Currently empty).

Drive Core: Radion Accelerator Mark I: 1 fuel to initiate full burn.

Max Burn Range: 5

Ship Cost: $7,800.


0 Parts (Cargo 0)

4 Fuel (Cargo 2)

3 Contraband (Cargo 3)

Current Location: Space Bazaar.

Last Port: Space Bazaar

Maintenance Log :

Flight Certificate: In Order.

Grav Plates: Passed.

Sensors: Passed.

Air Pressure Test. Passed.

Drive: No radiation leakage.

Nav Comp: Calibrated and up to date.

Transponder Code : Newhall F.III. Mkr.455 E443392 .

Ship’s Log: Wiped.

Ownership - Jubal Early.

In Debt to Niska $12,000.00

Paid Back $0.00.

Funds $7,500.00.

Current Client: - Higgins


Mud Run Muir Requires: N/A

Agent: Magistrate Higgins Type: Shipping / Legal

Pick Up: Harvest, Red Sun Details: Load 5 Cargo, Use 1 additional fuel to burn

Drop off: Muir, Blue Sun Details: Deliver 5 Cargo, Reward is $3000

Transport bonus + $500


Ships Log

Turn 1:   Harvest, Red Sun

Magistrate Higgins is the final word of law on Higgins' Moon, a small moon that is a primary export of high-quality mud, used for clay and in ceramic substances with numerous applications. He treats his workers, known as "Mudders", harshly, almost as slaves, and hands out strict punishment to any who crossed him.

Desperate for funds you take up some Mud work for $200. Your available funds increase to $3,200.

You take the opportunity to approach Magistrate Higgins looking for more taxing and rewarding work.

You can choose the two following jobs:

  • Mud Run Muir

  • Mud Pipeline Liann Jiun

Turn 2: You decide to fly to Liann Jiun via the Space Bazaar. The Artificial Intelligence Auto-Loader decides that the most efficient action is to Work the Lian Jiun job and then fly. 3 heavy contraband are loaded aboard ship.

You burn two fuel as you set course for Lian Jiun. The ship trembles as you enter high order and burn rapidly toward Space Bazaar where extra fuel can be taken on board.

The journey starts quietly as you burn through the black. ‘What’s that noise?’ you ponder as the engine overheats. With no mechanic you desperately use a spare part to patch the problem. ‘Gorram parts ain’t free!’ you mumble as you continue your flight.

As you near your first point of call the Nav Comm alerts twice barks ‘Reavers on the hunt’. You look at the Nav Comm as Reaver Cutter 1 and 2 move slowly away from Reaver Space dropping small sensors in their wake.

 "Thankfully you see Space Bazaar ahead.

You see another Firefly called Jetwash entering space. As you cross paths the Artificial Intelligence Trader Interface sparks into life: ‘Would you like to trade?’ and a quick response ‘No, I’m penniless’ comes back from Murphy, captain of the Jetwash as the ship burns away in the direction of White Sun. "Maybe next time. Safe Landings, Watch out for them Reavers."

 Space Bazaar Control: "Yanky, you are cleared to dock at Lock 45.

Jubal : "Thank you control, and its, "Yun Qi".

"That's what I said "Yanky." 

"Its pro.......Never mind. Thank you, Control, we have your nav beacons locked. Docking to Auto."


"Docking completed........... Checking Seals ........Confirmed. Welcome to Space Bazaar. Please have the usual documents and Med samples ready".

"Thank you Control. Will do."

Turn 3: As per your instructions you look to buy replacement fuel. The AI suggests replenish the 2 fuel spent in the burn and the 1 part for $500 total.

As part of the same action you can consider a total of three items for purchase from up to 3 visible items at the Space Bazaar and consider up to three random none advertised items. E.g. 3 random, 1 visible + 2 random, 2 visible + 1 random or 3 visible. You can then choose up to 2 items of the 3 to buy. This is a free action as you are buying replacement fuel.

You decide to hire a Gun Hand, a cheap mercenary called Rodrigo Ponsonby.

You use one fuel to burn toward Liann Jiun.

On the way you hear a distant signal, a call for help. Saying a prayer you slide on by. Then you notice the Alliance Cruiser moving stealthily in your direction, possibly interested by your contraband! Your ship lurches as the engine coil nearly gives out! You have to replace the whole damn mess, using both parts to keep flying.

Finally you arrive at Liann Jiun and touch down before any breaks!

Turn 4:  You work the job on Liann Jiun, offloading the contraband. As you do so you encounter an alliance check point. You can’t risk them digging in your records, but luckily neither you nor Rodrigo are wanted by the alliance so they let you proceed.

You gain $2,800 and become solid with Magistrate Higgins. You pay $100 to Rodrigo, his salary for completing the job.

"Let's see what's on the net and who needs something taking somewhere"..

"Vance Dorwitty, the celebrated HoloFlic magnate, was attacked today in SnapDuds Nightclub. His lawyer, Byron McPhee later stated it was a disgruntled fan who had not appreciated him sacking Goriana Sprocket from his latest series of "Beeforamoid for Two". It has not been announced who is to replace Miss Sprocket, but speculation has turned to .......".

Regards all,

Ivor Cogdell

P. S. All characters are totally fictional and in no way represent living or dead people or droids on this or any other planet, moon, space habitat or dwelling or craft.

P.P.S. I'm not sure if Richard has where we were up to on this. My copies were destroyed in my Email hack October 2022.

Firefly retains (C) Copyright. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Firefly Nav Comp - Turn 2

 Hi Every body,

                         I'm not sure how big this graphic will come. It shows the positions of the three ships that are active at the moment.

You can follow along by reading The Signal.- Kindly provided Richard, our GM. Ricjhard and Kitty, his better half are flying the other two ships. His brother, John, may be joining us at some point. Which means there may be a couple of spare positions going. First past the post wins the spot.

 If you would like to join in the game please email me at ivorcogdell "at" hotmail . com with "Firefly Game 1 applicant" in the subject header. Please note, the turns are fairly frequent, one to two day intervals usually.

Regards all.

Ivor Cogdell


Sorry, folks, this one sort of died a death due to work pressures, for the time being..

Firefly - The Signal (Where everybody is in the game) Chapter 1 Turn 0 - 2.



The Firefly Initiative

A ship will bring you work, a gun will help you keep it. A captain’s goal is simple: find a crew, find a job and keep flying.

The Unification War resulted in a collapse of trade, particularly in the outer territories. To solve this problem Parliament has launched the Firefly Initiative.

Niska Shipyards at Ezra is selling ex-military hulks and Parliament are providing free registration for new captains willing to brave the black.

Already new ships have been sighted operating around the Space Bazaar and Harvest in Red Sun.

CHAPTER 1 - First Time in the Captain’s Chair

So you finally took the plunge and borrowed enough credits for a ship to call your own. You’re the master of your destiny and right now that destiny looks mighty uncertain! You’re in debt up to your eyeballs with a creditor that’s not the sort of man to be trifled with.

GOAL 1: Makin’ Friends: You ain’t gonna get far in the Verse without makin’ a few friends. It’s just good business.

To complete goal, be solid with two different agents. After completing this goal take a goal token.

GOAL 2: Seein’ Daylight: Carrying a heap a’ debt on your back is no way to live. Scrape together enough cash to get back in the black.

To complete goal, have $6,000 in hand and your first goal token. After completing this goal, take a second goal token.

GOAL 3: Feeding the Shark: Head over to pay off your loan shark. Adelia Niska is not a patient man.

The first player who travels to Ezra with two goal tokens and then pays the bank $6,000 wins this chapter. You own your ship free and clear.

Reaver Alert

Reavers are believed by most of the 'verse to be men that went insane at the edge of space and became savage. They stared into the void beyond and became what they saw: nothing. They gave into their primal nature and all that was civilized was discarded.

Reaver vessels have been sighted at the edge of the Burnham System. The Core Worlds of White Sun are safely guarded by Alliance forces, but the outer Colonies remain at risk. Caution is advised when travelling through Border or Rim Space.

Fly safe brave captains.

Alliance Patrols

Harken, the Alliance Agent is to be found aboard the Alliance Cruiser which is patrolling the White Sun area. Random checks of vessels within that area may occur leading to confiscation of illegal goods and possible fines.

An Alliance Corvette has been sighted at Cortex Relay 2 and is free to travel within any system, hunting down those who would do Parliament harm.

Most Wanted

The Alliance Cruiser patrols White Sun, however some miscreants still persist in a life of crime. Parliament have released their top three most wanted:

River Tam REWARD $4,000: Record Classified – Parliament level security clearance required. Target wanted alive. Caution: This young woman is armed and dangerous, use extreme caution. Last seen on Persephone. May be travelling with her brother Simon Tam.

Simon Tam REWARD $2,600: Wanted for the crimes of: Resisting arrest, impersonating an Officer, Criminal trespass, felony aiding and abetting and public indecency. Last seen on Persephone. May be travelling with his sister River Tam.

Crow REWARD $3,500: For the crimes of: Felony murder, premeditated murder, involuntary murder, aggravated murder and is armed and dangerous. Last seen on Regina. This ex-employee of Niska took it upon himself to start torturing and murdering those wanting to join the Firefly Initiative.


Harvest – Jubal Early worked mining high quality mud on the planet earning $200

Higgins, Harvest – Jubal Early obtained two jobs. (1) Transport 5 cargo from Harvest to Muir – Shipping / Legal – Reward $3,000 + $500 Transport bonus (2) Transport 3 contraband from Harvest to Liann Jiun – Smuggling / Illegal - Reward $2,800 + $500 Grifter bonus

Persephone – Womack purchases Security Interface Pad for $1,000 and an Enforcer Mercenary for $200

Badger, Persephone – Womack chooses a job: Transport 2 cargo from Persephone to Three Hills – Shipping / Legal – Reward $1,600 + $500 Grifter bonus +/- $500 based on negotiated test.

Space Bazaar – Murphy purchased Tracey an unlucky Grifter for $100 and Scrapper a dirty leech Pilot for $200.

Amnon Duul, Space Bazaar – Murphy obtained two jobs. (1) Transport 2 cargo from Bernedette to Shadow – Shipping / Legal – Reward $1,800 (2) Travel to Hera – Task / Legal – Reward $800 + $400 per Negotiate + $500 per Grifter

Harvest – Jubal Early worked the transport Harvest to Liann Jiun, loading 3 contraband.

Harvest to Space Bazaar – Jubal Early burned to the Space Bazaar. He had a slight mechanical problem along the way and the burn drew the attention of the Reavers. Their cutters moved slightly out from Reaver Space.

Persephone – Womack worked the transport Persephone to Three Hills and loaded 2 cargo.

Persephone to White Sun near Athens – Womack burned to White Sun near Athens. This burn drew the attention of the Alliance Corvette. Just as Womack was burning away from the Corvette the engines overheated. There was a fire and while bringing this under control the Enforcer Mercenary was fried and jettisoned into space.

Space Bazaar to Bernedette – Murphy burned to Bernedette, drawing the attention of the Alliance Cutter. The Operative in the Alliance Cutter intercepted Murphy at Bernedette and arrested Tracey the unlucky grafter. All other papers were in order and Murphy was released from custody.

Bernedette – Murphy worked the job loading two cargo.

Firefly Turn 1 - The Market

 Turn 1 - Goods and services available.


Location: Meridian

Type: Ship Upgrade Cost: $600

Reaver-Flage: Ship may move into a sector occupied by a Reaver ship. Discard after losing any crew to the Reavers.

Type: One time use Cost: $100

Fruity Oaty Bar: Eat to either (a) add +1 to any test result or (b) remove disgruntled from the owner

Type: One time use Cost: $500

Heist Intel: On your turn, use to look at the next three misbehave events. Return them in any order of your choice or discard all of them.

Location: Regina

Type: Character Equipment Cost: $1,000

Kaylee’s Re-programmer: + 2 Tech, Hacking Rig

Type: Character Cost $300

Bridget: Grifter, Companion, Deceptive: If Yolanda or Saffron are hired by anyone, remove Bridget from your crew, Negotiate: 2, Tech: 1

Type: Ship Upgrade Cost: $600

Sky Hook: Requires Pilot to use. Counts as Transport when attached to ship. After completing a crime job load one contraband.

Location: Percephone

Type: Character Cost: $200

Enforcer: Merc. Intimidating: +1 negotiate when carrying a firearm. Fight: 1

Type: Character Equipment Cost: $1,000

Kaylee’s Fluffy Pink Dress: + 1 Negotiate, Fancy Duds, When buying from suppliers, you may buy up to three items (instead of the normal two limit)

Type: Character Equipment Cost: $1,000

A Very Nice Hat: +1 negotiate, Fancy Duds, when dealing with agents, you may consider up to four jobs (instead of the normal three)

Location: Silverhold

Type: Character Equipment Cost: $1,800

Burgess’s Laser: +3 fight, firearm, explosive. Requires Tech: 1 to carry this weapon

Type: Character Cost: $300

Jayne: Merc, Public Relations: May carry 3 equipment, Big Damn Heroes: When you proceed with misbehaving gain $100. Wanted. Fight: 2

Type: Character Cost: $300

Saffron: Grifter, Companion, Deceptive: If Bridget or Yolanda are hired remove Saffron from your crew. Negotiate: 2, Tech: 2

Location: Beaumonde

Type: Character Equipment Cost: $1,000

Inara’s Guild Papers: +2 Negotiate, Companion

Type: Character Cost: $200

Barkeep: Grifter, Good Times: Giving your crew shore leave at trade ports is free, Wanted, Fight: 1 Negotiate: 1

Type: One time use Cost: $500

Labour Contract Space Bazaar: From any location, you may use a buy action to hire one crew from the Space Bazaar

Location: Osiris Shipworks

Type: Ship Upgrade Cost: $800

Electronic Defence Suite: Rivals boarding your ship may not use Tech skill for boarding tests. Spend 1 fuel to evade Reaver Cutter. Ignore the effects of either the Reaver Cutter Nav or Contact Event

Type: One time use Cost: $300

Med Foam: Use to count as having made a successful Medic Check (crewmember does not die)

Type: One time use and Character Equipment Cost: $300

Nav Charts: Alliance Space: +1 Tech, one time use to look at the next 5 sector events in Alliance Space. Reorder the events in any way that you want.

Location: Space Bazaar

Type: One time use Cost: $400

Improvised Hacking Rig: Either (a) use to count as a hacking rig or (b) use to add +1 Tech to a tech test

Type: Character Equipment Cost: $1,000

‘Bona Fide’ credentials: +1 Negotiate, Fake ID

Type: Character Cost: $100

Gun Hand: Merc, Expendable: When killed, discard instead of removing from play, Fight: 1

Firefly - Turn 1 - 3 Job Chioces

 Firefly Board Game

Turn 1 - 3 Player : Ivor.

Captain: Jubal Early. Age 24. Profession: Pilot Hire Cost: Free

Abilities: Bounty Hunter: +2 Fight when Attacking in Showdowns. May carry 2 gear.

Skills: Fight = 1, Tech = 1, Negotiate = 1.

Gear: Nothing.

Background : Jubal grew up on the mix of stations that make up Amnon Duul, ferrying cargo from station to station. Good at bargaining for jobs. Got into scraps with other cargo haulers. Studied the tech of what he was hauling to gain inside information of what was going to be the next big thing to be a hit with the punters.

Siblings: Sister - Grace Early, Works in Amnon Duul, Hab 4 Medbay.


Ship Name: Yun Qi Warrant: None Outstanding.

Logo: A running Coyote in red.

Class: Firefly Series III

Special: None

Crew: 6 Hired: 0.

Cargo: 8 cargo, 4 stash. (Available: 4 cargo and 4 stash)

Upgrade slots: 3 (Currently empty).

Drive Core: Radion Accelerator Mark I: 1 fuel to initiate full burn.

Max Burn Range: 5

Ship Cost: $7,800.


2 Parts (Cargo 1)

6 Fuel (Cargo 3)

Current Location: Higgins Harvest.

Last Port: New Kasmir (Food Containers).

Maintenance Log :

Flight Certificate: In Order.

Grav Plates: Passed.

Sensors : Passed.

Air Pressure Test. Passed.

Drive: No radiation leakage.

Nav Comp: Calibrated and up to date.

Transponder Code : Newhall F.III. Mkr.455 E443392 .

Ship’s Log: Wiped.

Ownership - Jubal Early.

In Debt to Niska $12,000.00

Paid Back $0.00.

Funds $3,200.00.

Current Client: -

Pending Jobs: -

Ships Log

Harvest, Red Sun

Magistrate Higgins is the final word of law on Higgins' Moon, a small moon that is a primary export of high-quality mud, used for clay and in ceramic substances with numerous applications. He treats his workers, known as "Mudders", harshly, almost as slaves, and hands out strict punishment to any who crossed him.

Desperate for funds you take up some Mud work for $200. Your available funds increase to $3,200.

You take the opportunity to approach Magistrate Higgins looking for more taxing and rewarding work.

You can choose up to two of the following jobs:

  • Mud Run Muir

  • Mud Pipeline Liann Jiun

  • Mud Pipeline Albion

Mud Run Muir Requires: N/A

Agent: Magistrate Higgns Type: Shipping / Legal

Pick Up: Harvest, Red Sun Details: Load 5 Cargo, Use 1 additional fuel to burn

Drop off: Muir, Blue Sun Details: Deliver 5 Cargo, Reward is $3000

Transport bonus + $500

Mud Pipeline Liann Jiun Requires: N/A

Agent: Magistrate Higgns Type: Smuggling / Illegal

Pick Up: Harvest, Red Sun Details: Load 3 Contraband, Use 1 additional fuel to burn

Drop off: Liann Jiun, White Sun Details: Misbehave to deliver 3 Contraband,

Reward is $2800, Grifter bonus + $500

Mud Pipeline Albion Requires: N/A

Agent: Magistrate Higgns Type: Smuggling / Illegal

Pick Up: Harvest, Red Sun Details: Load 3 Contraband, Use 1 additional fuel to burn

Drop off: Albion, White Sun Details: Misbehave to deliver 3 Contraband,

Reward is $2800, Grifter bonus + $500

I pick the first two Jobs.

Ivor Cogdell

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Firefly Board Game - Character Choice

Hi Everybody, 

                      My GM Richard is starting a Firefox Board game and here is my starting character stats. I have yet to hire crew or get a job. For the rules and general information on how to play, there are a few playing demo videos on Youtube.

 Turn 0. - Edit 2d                                                                        Player : Ivor.

Captain: Jubal Early.  Age 24. Profession: Pilot Hire Cost: Free 

Abilities: Bounty Hunter: +2 Fight when Attacking in Showdowns. 

Gear - 2 Slots: Carrying Nothing yet.

Skills: Fight = 1, Tech = 1, Negotiate = 1.

Background : Jubal grew up on the mix of stations that make up Amnon Duul, ferrying cargo from station to station. Good at bargaining for jobs. Got into scraps with other cargo haulers.  Studied the tech of what he was hauling to gain inside information of what was going to be the next big thing to be a hit with the punters.

Siblings: Sister - Grace Early, Works in Amnon Duul, Hab 4 Medbay.


Ship Name: Yun Qi Class: Firefly Series III       Warrant: None Outstanding.

Logo:  A running Coyote in red. Ownership - Jubal Early.

Drive Core: Radion Accelerator Mark I: 1 fuel to initiate full burn.  

Max Burn Range: 5 

Upgrade slots: 3 (Currently empty).

Crew Berths: 6 Hired: 0.

Cargo Hold - 8 cargo, 4 stash. 

2 Parts worth a total of $600. (Takes up 1 Cargo Slot).

6 Fuel worth a total of $600.  (Takes up 3 Cargo Slots).

Maintenance Log :

Flight Certificate: In Order.

Grav Plates: Passed.

Sensors : Passed.

Air Pressure Test. Passed.

Drive: No radiation leakage

Nav Comp: Calibrated and up to date.

Transponder Code :  Newhall F.III. Mkr.455 E443392 .

Security: Active.

Weapons: Classified.

Ship’s Log:  Wiped. 


Last Port: New Kasmir (Food Containers).

Current Location: Higgins Harvest.


In Debt to Niska $12,000.00            Paid Back $0.00.        Funds $3,000.00.


Current Client: -    None                   Current Job -

                                                        Pending Jobs: -

                                                        Job Offers - 

Enemies - None.


No doubt it will get expanded as we go hither and yon. I do intend to add to the ship's log as we go about the star systems. Not sure how much info comes under copyright.

In no way do I intend to infringe the Copyright © and Registered ® Trade Mark™ of Firefox.

Regards all,

Ivor Cogdell