Hi Everybody,
My GM Richard is starting a Firefox Board game and here is my starting character stats. I have yet to hire crew or get a job. For the rules and general information on how to play, there are a few playing demo videos on Youtube.
Turn 0. - Edit 2d Player : Ivor.
Captain: Jubal Early. Age 24. Profession: Pilot Hire Cost: Free
Abilities: Bounty Hunter: +2 Fight when Attacking in Showdowns.
Gear - 2 Slots: Carrying Nothing yet.
Skills: Fight = 1, Tech = 1, Negotiate = 1.
Background : Jubal grew up on the mix of stations that make up Amnon Duul, ferrying cargo from station to station. Good at bargaining for jobs. Got into scraps with other cargo haulers. Studied the tech of what he was hauling to gain inside information of what was going to be the next big thing to be a hit with the punters.
Siblings: Sister - Grace Early, Works in Amnon Duul, Hab 4 Medbay.
Ship Name: Yun Qi Class: Firefly Series III Warrant: None Outstanding.
Logo: A running Coyote in red. Ownership - Jubal Early.
Drive Core: Radion Accelerator Mark I: 1 fuel to initiate full burn.
Max Burn Range: 5
Upgrade slots: 3 (Currently empty).
Crew Berths: 6 Hired: 0.
Cargo Hold - 8 cargo, 4 stash.
2 Parts worth a total of $600. (Takes up 1 Cargo Slot).
6 Fuel worth a total of $600. (Takes up 3 Cargo Slots).
Maintenance Log :
Flight Certificate: In Order.
Grav Plates: Passed.
Sensors : Passed.
Air Pressure Test. Passed.
Drive: No radiation leakage
Nav Comp: Calibrated and up to date.
Transponder Code : Newhall F.III. Mkr.455 E443392 .
Security: Active.
Weapons: Classified.
Ship’s Log: Wiped.
Last Port: New Kasmir (Food Containers).
Current Location: Higgins Harvest.
In Debt to Niska $12,000.00 Paid Back $0.00. Funds $3,000.00.
Current Client: - None Current Job -
Pending Jobs: -
Job Offers -
Enemies - None.
No doubt it will get expanded as we go hither and yon. I do intend to add to the ship's log as we go about the star systems. Not sure how much info comes under copyright.
In no way do I intend to infringe the Copyright © and Registered ® Trade Mark™ of Firefox.
Regards all,
Ivor Cogdell
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