Friday 23 August 2024

Thoughts On - Alien RPG 9

 Hi everybody,

                       I have found some of my alien notes, They are a bit disjointed and there is a gap since Diary entry 8. I will slot entries in as they come to my attention.

? - We explore the Air processors that are on the southern area of the planet.

? - "Nuclear Boy" fired nuclear missiles at two of the air processing plants, destroying the nuclear material that was inside, so that we could not drop a nuclear missile on him. (This was Cowboy's idea of dealing with the problem of "Nuclear Boy", We had tried three times, but they always malfunctioned for some reason).

? - While we were away, "Nuclear Boy" and "Terror Girl" have teamed up together, got into the research base next to the Alien ship, activated the Alien Nexus and went through the portal.


10th May 2024 - We were exploring a WV base. We came across an Alien Queen, who we managed to kill, eventually. We came through battered and bowed, with two casualties. Dillon died with his head crushed in. Kiara died of a punctured heart. We managed to repair the Comms Array port and are now receiving signals from outside again."The Blue Hand are coming". Is that good or bad?


7 June 2024 - We come across a crashed vessel. We salvaged the two Armoured Personnel Carriers, 1 week's rations, 4 hand grenades. We fix Edan's and the other's leg with an artificial one in the auto doc. We receive coordinates over the comms as to where the Blue Hand ship will land. Outside of the second nuclear blast zone.

27 June 2024 - I shoot the squid by Douglas. Everybody gets 1 stress point. Cowboy gets hit by Edan using an alien weapon (friendly fire) and loses an arm. 

6 July 2024 - One squid exploded due to multiple hits. The second squid attacks me and drags me into another room out of the line of fire. I managed to fight it off but suffered a broken knee in the process. I retreat with Cowboy and we drag him to an autodoc. Afterwards, we fix my knee.

           We lift the guards on the Blue Hand ship. We spotted an octopus nest on the way back to base. We avoid it for the time being. Ava 7, the missing synth in action, was with the Blue Hand crew. She is now making a painting of an attacking Alien Queen for the Nexus room where we have installed a weighted net above the teleport point. We hope this will disorient whoever comes through first so we can capture them more easily.

9th August 2024 - Cowboy had an artificial arm attached, it did have a flashing red LED. On further inspection, it was found to be a tracking device that had been added to the unit. We disabled it and checked for any more that were hidden, but none were found. The Blue Hand crew have a space monkey and Cowboy asks if he can use the controller helmet. Damien, the Synth Blue Hand leader agrees.

Edan builds a mini Gun into the mobile wheelchair. We are heading to the research base. We feel vibrations, The power level has been ramped up to 6, meaning the Nexus Teleporter can be activated.

There are more notes to add, but it's time for bed.

Regards one and all,

Ivor Cogdell

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