Saturday, 30 May 2020

The Battle for Dirk's Compound Part.2 - The Pre-Game (Updated)

The Battle for Dirk's Compound - Part 2.

Pt 1 - The Cast.

Hi all,
         Here are my house rules for the game.


Plasma Gun - One round to charge it up, able to fire on the second round.
Power Glove - + 2 dice in Melee.
Fragmentation Grenade - Range Thrown = 8", Rifle Propelled - 16". Damage radius 
Bolter = Small Machine Gun.
Molecular Chain Saw - + 2d6 in Melee.
Flame Thrower - Target suit overloads OOA (Unless close to water-stunned).

Snotty, the ork standard bearer is also the Medic. The Standard counts as a two handed melee weapon +2 dice.
The orks are wearing Soft Body Armour.
Those orks with helmets get a +1 dice bonus in melee.

The Space Marines are wearing Hard Body Armour. 16" movement.They cannot take a Fast Move Test, but it will count as as such for over 8" moves. Carrying Assault rifles and possibly a molecular saw, or a Power glove and a pistol.
Special Attribute - IR Vision, Targeting, Com Linked, Evacuation Request.
Roll 3d6 for Recover from Knock Down test.
Dis-adavantage -  No fuel for their jet packs.

Ork / Hishen Reaction Tests

+1d6 if in cover.
-1d6 if squad at half strength or less. 

There have been updates, because I had to amend the power of the weaponry if it seems too one sided for the Star Army, once it gets going.

Regards all,

Ivor Cogdell

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