Happy follows Haviscan, with Jac bringing up the rear. He climbs half way up the wall to get a better view of the area.
William Roll 1+0 (Fight)=1.
Chopper Roll 12 +2 (Fight) =14. Chopper wins the round.
Chopper does 14 -13 (Armour 10+2 Shield Spell +1 Will Staff defence). Damage =1.Health = 5.
(No second Action for William).
Eric Double moves Up the ladder and along the bridge (3 and 3, rough terrain).
Muddy moves into combat with Will and Clubber
Second action - Attacks Clubber
Muddy Rolls 19 + 3 (Fight +4 dagger -1) +2 (Support of Will) = 24.
Chopper Roll 7 +2 (Fight) = 9. Muddy wins the round.
Damage 24 - 12 (Armour) = 12. Health = -11.
Chopper is Dead.
Ben Moves into Combat with Slasher.
Second Action - He attacks Slasher.
Ben Rolls 14 + 4 (Fight) = 18.
Slasher Rolls 5 +2 (Fight) = 7. Ben wins the round.
Damage 18 - 12 (Armour) = 6. Health = -5.
Slasher is Dead.
Eric reaches the Treasure Container and picks it up.
(He will now be moving at quarter speed, Rough terrain and carrying treasure.)
Haviskan, Happy and Jac move 6 East.
Second Action - Haviscan tries to cast FLEET on Happy (5+4) Fail. Takes 1 Damage. Health =13.
Will Moves 6 West.
Second Action - He casts HEAL on himself.(11 + 0) Success. Health = 10. 10 XP.
Happy picks up the Treasure Container (Now at half speed).
First action - Jac moves 2 and readies his bow. He is worried by Eric above might attract attention).
Muddy stands on guard.
Ben gets treasure (Now at half speed).
Eric sees a movement in the rubble and warns Jac.
Second Action - Jac shoots at Redblade.
Jac Rolls 18 +2 (Shoot) = 20.
Redblade Rolls 18 +2 (Fight) +1(In Cover) +1(Hasty shot) = 22. A Miss.
Redblade Moves forward 3 (Rough terrain).
Slugger Moves towards Harry.
Lefty double moves towards Muddy.
Lefty walks into view.
More treasure to be had, but is it worth the risk.
Turn 6
Haviskan moves 6 down the alley.
Haviskan casts ARMOUR on Ben. 10 Xp.
William Double moves to Haviskan.
Eric Jumps down with the Treasure. Moves 1 1/2 cm.
First Action - Jac shoots at Redblade.
Jac Rolls 17 +2 (Shoot) = 19
Redblade Rolls 8 +2 (Fight) +1(In Cover) = 11. A Hit.
Damage 19 - 12 (Armour) = 7. Health = -6. Redblade is Dead.
Second action - Move 6 to catch up with the rest of the party.
First Action - Muddy shoots at Lefty. Rolls 13 + 2 (Shoot) = 15.
Lefty Rolls 18 +1 (Fight) = 19. A Miss.
Second Action - Muddy Reloads.
Lefty moves into combat with Muddy.
Lefty Attacks - Rolls 11 + 1 (Fight) =12
Muddy Rolls 18 +4 (Fight) -2 (Unarmed) = 20. Muddy wins.
The other creatures move towards their closest targets in sight or make a random move.
Damage 20 - 12 -8. Health = -7. Lefty is Dead.
This is the end of turn 6. For more of the saga, please go to part three.
Regards all,
Ivor Cogdell
Frostgrave by Joseph A McCulloch.
(C) Copyright 2015 - 2022 Joseph A McCulloch.. Osprey Games Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Osprey Publishing is part of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
This blog is not intended to infringe any Copyrights.
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