Sunday, 11 February 2024

Warhammer Mighty Empires (C) Project Preview

 Hi Everyone,

                       I have just started my draft of  Warhammer Mighty Empires (C) Campaign Turn One, set on my continent of Bjantfass, roughly 2571 years ago. The idea is to work out the kingdoms and provinces, put a name to some locations and battles, flesh out my timeline and work out who were the dominant players in history. This will be my first time using Mighty Empires.

Warhammer Mighty Empires by Rick Priestley and Nigel Stillman. is Copyright (C) 1990 Games Workshop Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 

Here is a look at the continent of Bjantfass. Copyright (C) 2024 Ivor Cogdell. It may not be geographically accurate and subject to change, but that's why it's a fantasy.

Some of the names are the current sector colour designations and other countries. I may be tweaking the border of Ellrostanne and other Sectors as events unfold. I may add settlements to the left and right areas too, as my timeline unfolds.

The continent of  Drennas is to the West, Jelv, Bretonia and Cathay are to the East. I have no plans to expand into those areas as yet.

I have not made up my mind whether to just use the ME points system to resolve battles on all conflicts or occasionally convert to Warhammer Fantasy Battle (C) armies and fight it out on the tabletop.

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Original Game Design by Rick Priestley, Richard Halliwell and Bryan Ansel. 

Third Edition:  by Rick Priestley and Jim Bambra. 

Additional Material: Richard Halliwell and Bryan Ansel. 

Copyright (C) 1987 Games Workshop Ltd and Citadel Miniatures.

Regards all,

Ivor Cogdell

 Copyright (C) 2024 Ivor Cogdell

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