Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Expanding a barricade pt2

Terrain Tweaking

Hi all,
          This is my second installment of terrain enlargement on here. The first part was designing and building a barricade for a fortified position.This installment is probably what I should have done first, which is to mount it on a base. Better late than never, goes the saying.


A craft knife.
Acrylic paints, brush and mixing tray.
Base board of your choice.
PVA glue.
Optional - Flock, foam core stickers, bits of wall or junk pile.

Prepare your material

 Carefully cut down the edges of your board to the required shape, smooth down with sandpaper all over to give adhesion to the paint. Prime the board if needed. Distress the board now if needed. I added in the lines of the path now, but they did not show up very well. Paint the surface as desired. I mixed the pale green and Terracotta for the dry soil and plain Terracotta for the rest. Acrylic yellow for the path.

Add optional terrain pieces. I placed foam core stickers to add an optional pathway and pier bases to the scene, plus a couple of spare wall pieces. Paint the excess glue once they are dry.

Add the main terrain piece.

I adjusted the position of the barricade from the original design so that it can be shut or open, sliding left or right as desired. So I now have a checkpoint or a toll booth for the table.


You could add extra junk around the walls to beef them up, but that could block line of sight and give cover to enemies, your choice.

"Who is in charge ?" That's for you to decide and then fight over.

Have fun terrain building, even if they are little bitty things..

Ivor Cogdell

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